2157 Alpine Blvd, Alpine, CA, United States

(619) 722-4077

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Why is a Vin Verification required?

Any vehicle NOT in the California DMV database is required to be verified by a Licensed Vehicle Verifier, DMV Agent, or California Highway Patrol Officer. Included are:

    *NON-RESIDENT VEHICLES entering CALIFONRIA for registration.

    *VEHICLES whose VIN differs from VIN on TITLE/REGISTRATION.

    *ANY VEHICLE with supporting documents for which there exists NO CALIFORNIA record.

   * ANY VEHICLE that needs to CHANGE body type model from Pick up truck to camper truck or vise versa

   * ANY VEHICLE that has ODOMETER errors on title that needs to be verified for correction.

Who can Verify a VIN and engine # on a motorcycle?

* If the Engine number was never changed on the motorcycle the motorcycle can be verified from any of the above described. Unfortunately, if the engine was replaced causing a new engine number the only people that can verify the motorcycle is a DMV Agent or The California Highway Patrol.

Why do we need car identification numbers?

*Car identification number or vehicle identification number (VIN) is used for identifying the exact model of car you have and the engine that was put into it when it was manufactured. In fact the vehicle identification number (VIN) is the DNA of the car. The vehicle identification number gives an accurate description of the vehicle. Each car has a unique vehicle identification number.

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vin verificationvin verification san diegoVIN Verifier San Diego, CaDMV Service San DiegoSan Diego VIN VerificationAuto Registration San DiegoRV VIN Verification